Bioscience and Biotechnology Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology 112 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
graduate 植物生物科技 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY English 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology elective 3
graduate 植物生理與微生物體學 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND MICROBIOME English 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology obligatory 3
graduate 根際微生物學研究與應用 RESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF RHIZOSPHERE MICROBIOLOGY English 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology elective 3
graduate 高等細胞生物學 ADVANCED CELL BIOLOGY English 生命科學所 Institute of Life Sciences elective 3
graduate 智慧農業:R軟體在作物性狀改良之應用 INTELLIGENT AGRICULTURE: R PROGRAM IN TRAIT MAPPING AND CROP IMPROVEMENT English 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology elective 1
graduate 植物分子與細胞生物學 PLANT MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY English/Chinese 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology elective 2
graduate 書報討論(一)-(四) SEMINAR (1)-(4) English/Chinese 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology obligatory 4
graduate 植物科學講座(一)-(四) ADVANCES IN PLANT SCIENCE (1)-(4) English/Chinese 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology elective 4
graduate 實驗設計與方法專論 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS AND METHODS English/Chinese 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology elective 2
graduate 實驗資料分析與統計專論 SPECIAL TOPICS IN EXPERIMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS English/Chinese 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences and Microbiology elective 2
graduate 轉譯農學特論 SPECIAL TOPICS IN TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH FOR AGRICULTURE English 譯農博士學程 NCKU-AS Graduate Program in Translational Agricultural Sciences elective 2
graduate 科學研究寫作 SCIENTIFIC WRITING AND COMMUNICATION English 譯農博士學程 NCKU-AS Graduate Program in Translational Agricultural Sciences elective 1
graduate 高等分子生物學 ADVANCED MOLECULAR BIOLOGY English 生技所 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3

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1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries are required to provide an English proficiency certificate (such as TOEFL, TOEIC , IELTS or GEPT). 2. The English proficiency certificate is not required for applicants whose previous degree is from an English speaking country (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa or the United States of America), but the applicants have to provide their diplomas as proof.