Liberal Arts Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature 112 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
undergraduate 英語口語訓練 English Oral Training 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature obligatory 3
undergraduate 英文作文 English Composition 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature obligatory 3
undergraduate 西洋文學概論 Introduction to Western Literature 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature obligatory 3
undergraduate 文學作品導讀 Guided Reading of Literature in English 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature obligatory 3
undergraduate 語言學概論 Introduction to Linguistics 中文及英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature obligatory 3
undergraduate 英國文學 British Literature 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 美國文學 American Literature 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 莎士比亞:喜劇 Shakespeare: Comedy 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 莎士比亞:悲劇 Shakespeare: Tragedy 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 社會語言學導讀 Sociolinguistics 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 英語演講 English Speaking and Debate 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 英語教學法概論 Introduction to English Teaching 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 新聞英文 Journalistic English 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 全球英語議題 Issues in Global English 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 英文醫療選讀 English Reading on Medicine 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 歐洲文學 European Literature 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 電影與文學 Film and Literature 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 文化研究理論 Introduction to Theories of Cultural Studies 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 現代靈異敘事 Modern Supernatural Narratives 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 當代英美小說 Contemporary English and American Novels 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 高級論辯 Advanced Argumentation 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 奴隸敘事 Narratives of Slavery 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 資訊傳播科技英文文獻導讀 Information and Communication Technology: Introduction to Literature Review in English 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 文學研究:學術英文寫作 Academic Writing in Literautre 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 語言學研究:學術英文寫作 Academic Writing in Linguistics 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 職場英文寫作 English Writing for Workplaces 英文 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 圖像敘事與視覺文化 GRAPHIC NARRATIVE AND VISUAL CULTURE 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 臺灣雙語教育概論 Introduction to Bilingual Education in Taiwan 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 非裔美國文學與文化:哈林文藝復興時期迄今 Introduction to African American Literary Culture since the Harlem Renaissance 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 身體、醫療與敘事 Bodies, Medicine and Narrative 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 說故事與語言教學 Storytelling and Language Learning 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3
undergraduate 托爾金、路易斯與中古文學 MEDIEVALISM: TOLKIEN AND LEWIS 英語 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature elective 3

Contact Info

1. Applicants should have basic Chinese language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2. All applicants are required to take a written examination and/or an interview, if necessary. 3. Undergraduate program applicants from non-English speaking countries are required to demonstrate their English proficiency by providing a language proficiency test (such as TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS) certificate obtained within the recent two years. Graduate program applicants from non-English Speaking countries are required to demonstrate their English proficiency by a TOEFL-iBT certificate obtained within the recent two years with the grade above 80. ALL graduate program applicants are required to submit GRE scores.