The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer
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Catogory | Course Name (Chinese) | Course Name (English) | Course Language | Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) | Designated Dept/Inst (English) | Required/ Elective | Credits |
graduate | 語言學研究方法 | Research Methods: Linguistics | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | obligatory | 3 |
graduate | 研究方法與論文寫作 | Research Methods and Thesis Writing | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | obligatory | 3 |
graduate | 文學批評 | Literary Criticism | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | obligatory | 3 |
graduate | 心理語言學 | Psycholinguistics | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 兒童早期語言學習 | Children’s Early Language Acquisition | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 外語閱讀:理論與實踐 | Reading in Second / Foreign Language | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 外語寫作:理論與實踐 | Teaching Writing in a Second / Foreign Language | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 雙語兒童的語言轉換 | Code-switching Among Bilingual Children | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 言談分析專題:醫病對話分析 | Seminar on Discourse Analysis: Medical Discourse | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 社會語言學 | Sociolinguistics | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 閱讀專題研究:兒童的母語及外語閱讀發展 | Reading Instruction : Children’s Reading Developments of L1 & L2 | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 英語教學專題:熱門研究議題 | TESOL Seminar : Current Research Topics | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 比較語言學:理論與實際 | Comparative Linguistics: Theory and Practice | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 比較語言學與文化研究 | Comparative Linguistics & Culture Study | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 語法學專題:英漢語法比較 | Seminars on Syntax : The Conparative Syntax between English and Chinese | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 當代英語語法理論 : BE動詞語法結構 | The Contemporary Theory on English Syntax : The Syntax of Copular Structures | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 運用多媒體與網路的語言教學 | Using Multimedia and the Internet in Language Teaching | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 電腦輔助語言學習:理論、設計和評量 | Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Theory, Design, and Evaluation | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 量化研究:實驗設計與統計分析 | Quantitative Research: Experimental Design and Statistical Analyses | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 應用心理語言學專題:讀寫能力與字彙習得 | Special Topics in Applied Psycholinguistics: Literacy and Vocabulary Acquisition | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 構音及音韻障礙 | Articulation and phonological disorders | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 音韻學專題:優選論 | Topics in Phonology: Optimality Theory | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 莎士比亞專題 | Seminar in Shakespeare | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 中世紀英國語言與文學專題 | Seminar on Middle English Language and Literature | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 維多利亞文學專題研究 | Seminar in Victorian Literature | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 十九世紀英國小說 | 19th-Century British Novels | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 英國早期驚悚小說 | Early British Gothic Fiction: From 1764 to 1820 | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 德希達:文本、政治與道德 | Derrida: Text, Politics and Ethics | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 文學理論專題:傅柯 | Seminar in Literary Theory: Foucault | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 後殖民論述與文學研究:霍米巴巴與德勒茲 | Seminar on Postcolonial Literary Studies: Homi Bhabha and Delieze | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 文化研究理論 | Cultural Studies | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 心理分析與文學 | Psychology Analysis and Literature | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 第三波女性主義 | Third Wave Feminism | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 俄國文學評論史 | Russian Literary Criticism | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 「黑色大西洋」敘事 | Narratives of Black Atlantic | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 離散書寫 | Diaspora Narratives | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 創傷敘事 | Trauma Narratives | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 移民文學 | Immigrant Literature | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 當代亞美女性作家 | Contemporary Asian American Women Writers | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 生命政治專題研究 | Seminar on Bio-politics | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 美國少數族裔文學研究 | Minority American Literature | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 當代英語文學與人權論述 | Contemporary Anglophone Literature and Human Rights Discourses | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 中世紀末日想像專題:天堂與地獄的視界 | Seminar on The Medieval Apocalyptic Imagination: Visions of Heaven and Hell | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 資料處理與統計分析 | Data Processing and Statistical Analysis | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 專業英語的教與學 | ESP Teaching and Learning | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 歷史語言學 | Historical Linguistics | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 記憶與語言 | Memory and Language | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 情感研究專題 | Seminar on Affect Studies | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 英語為國際通用語 | Global Englishes | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 英語為第二語/外語寫作專題:教師與同儕回饋 | Seminar in ESL/EFL Writing: Teacher and Peer Response | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 文學理論專題:新唯物論 | Seminar in Literary Theory: New Materialism | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |
graduate | 後九一一小說 | Post-9/11 Fiction | 英文 | 外國語文學系 | Department of Foreign Languages and Literature | elective | 3 |