The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer
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Catogory | Course Name (Chinese) | Course Name (English) | Course Language | Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) | Designated Dept/Inst (English) | Required/ Elective | Credits |
graduate | 專題討論(1) | Seminar(1) | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 1 |
graduate | 專題討論(2) | Seminar(2) | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 1 |
graduate | 專題討論(3) | Seminar(3) | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 1 |
graduate | 專題討論(4) | Seminar(4) | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 1 |
graduate | 中等水文學 | Intermediate Hydrology | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 3 |
graduate | 中等水力學 | Intermediate Hydraulics | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 3 |
graduate | 海域物理學 | Introductory Offshore Physics | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 3 |
graduate | 海域水動力學 | Introductory Offshore Hydrodynamics | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | obligatory | 3 |
graduate | 土石流災害防救實務 | Practical Exercises in Handling Debris Flow Hazards | 英文 | 自災所 | International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management | elective | 3 |
graduate | 濕地環境管理 | Management of Wetland Environment | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | elective | 0.5 |
graduate | 永續發展跨域原理 | Interdisciplinary Principles in Sustainable Development | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | elective | 2 |
graduate | 永續發展實習 | Field Studies in Sustainable Development | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | elective | 1 |
graduate | 英文論文寫作 | English Technical Writing | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | elective | 3 |
graduate | 防災實務 | Practical Exercises in Handling Natural Hazards | 英文 | 自災所 | International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management | elective | 3 |
graduate | 颱洪災害減災方法與技術 | Mitigation Method and Technology in Hydro-Meteorological Hazards | 英文 | 自災所 | International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續發展城市 | Sustainable Urban Development | 英文 | 水利所 | Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering | elective | 3 |