The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer
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Catogory | Course Name (Chinese) | Course Name (English) | Course Language | Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) | Designated Dept/Inst (English) | Required/ Elective | Credits |
undergraduate | 天然災害經濟分析 | Economic Analysis of Natural Disaster | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |
undergraduate | 計算經濟學 | Computational Economics | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |
undergraduate | 經濟成長 | Economic Growth | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |
undergraduate | 產業經濟學 | Industrial Organization | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |
undergraduate | 神經經濟學 | Neuroeconomics | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |
undergraduate | 衝擊評估方法與應用 | Impact Evaluation: Methods and Applications | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |
undergraduate | 計量經濟學(一) | Econometrics (1) | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |
undergraduate | 賽局與經濟 | Game Theory | 英語 | 經濟學系 | Dept. of Economics | elective | 3 |