Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing Program on Integrated Circuit Design 112 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
graduate 半導體元件模擬分析 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES MODELING & SIMULATION 英文 電機所 Electrical Engineering elective 3

Contact Info

Applicants from non-English speaking countries are required to provide a Chinese or English proficiency certificate (such as TOCFL, TOEFL iBT, IELTS or TOEIC). A. Minimum TOEFL score of internet-based at least 61 B. GMAT score at top 70% C. GRE score at top 70% D. Minimum TOEIC score 650 E. GEPT (General English Proficiency Test) High-Intermediate Level F. IELTS 5.5, and every section rank no less than 5.0 G. Applicants have to possess Basic Chinese skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing and are required to provide Chinese Proficiency Certificate such as TOCFL Level 3. Those who fail to pass the certificate exam should take Chinese learning courses provided by Chinese Learning Center (CLC) after enrollment.