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Catogory | Course Name (Chinese) | Course Name (English) | Course Language | Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) | Designated Dept/Inst (English) | Required/ Elective | Credits |
graduate | 永續發展跨域原理 | Interdisciplinary Principles in Sustainability Development | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | obligatory | 2 |
graduate | 永續專題討論(一) | Sustainability Seminar 01 | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | obligatory | 0 |
graduate | 研究方法(一) | Research Method I | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 英文論文寫作 | English Technical Writing | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 商務寫作和溝通技巧 | Business Writing and Oral Communication Skills | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 環境會計 | Environment Accounting | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 動態規劃 | Dynamic Programming | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 空間環境資料分析與模式 | Spatial Environmental Data Analysis and Model | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 質性研究方法 | Qualitative Research Methods | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續指標 | Sustainability Indicators | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 環境系統分析 | Environmental Systems Analysis | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 2 |
graduate | 空間資訊技術於空氣污染暴露評估之應用 | Application of Geospatial Information Technology on Air Pollution Exposure Assessment | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 創業管理 | Entrepreneurial Management | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續性作業管理 | Sustainable Operations Management | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 風險管理 | Risk Management | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 策略競局 | Strategic Game Theory | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 管理決策分析 | Managerial Decision Analysis | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 行為決策理論 | Behavioral Decision Theory | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 組織行為 | Organizational Behavior | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 文化遺產創意營銷 | Creative Management and Marketing of Cultural Heritage | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 創意服務設計 | Creative Service Design | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 創新管理 | Innovation Management | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 認知與組織人因工程 | Cognitive and Organizational Ergonomics | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 科技治理與永續發展專題 | The Governance Of Technology And Sustainable Development | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 組織發展與變革 | Organizational Development and Transformation | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 政經發展與政策 | Political Economy of Development Policy | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 地區防災計畫 | Regional Planning for Natural Hazards Prevention | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續城市發展 | Sustainable Urban Development | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 觀光與都市再生 | Tourism and Urban Regeneration | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 防災實務 | Practical Exercises in Handlilng Natural Hazards | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 天然災害經濟分析 | Economic Analysis of Natural Disasters | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 救災體系 | Disaster Management System | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 防災概論 | Introduction to Disaster Mitigation and Management | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 生態系統特論 | Ecosystem Ecology Special Topics | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 海洋事務管理 | Introduction to Marine Affairs | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 水文系統模擬與預測 | Hydrological System Simulation and Forcasting | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 公共財政 | Public Finance | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續交通設施 | Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續運輸 | Sustainable Transportation | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 能源策略與政策 | Energy Strategy and Policy | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 土石流災害防救實務 | Practical Exercises in Handling Debris Flow Hazards | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 污染場址整治 | Contaminated Site Remediation | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 環工生物原理 | Biological Principles for Environmental Engineering | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 生態模型特論 | Ecological Modeling Special Topics | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 應用河相學 | Applied Fluvial Geomorphology | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 颱洪災害減災方法與技術 | Mitigation Method and Technology in Hydro-Meteorological Hazards | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 環工物理原理 | Physical Principle of Environmental Engineering | English | 全校永續跨域國際碩士學位學程 | International Master Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續專題討論(二) | Sustainability Seminar 02 | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | obligatory | 0 |
graduate | 永續專題討論(三) | Sustainability Seminar 03 | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | obligatory | 0 |
graduate | 永續專題討論(四) | Sustainability Seminar 04 | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | obligatory | 0 |
graduate | 永續轉型知識行動設計與方法 | Knowledge-Action Design and Methods for Sustainability Transitions | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | obligatory | 2 |
graduate | 設計思考 | Design Thinking | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 互動設計研究 | Interaction Design Research | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 體驗設計 | Experience Design | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 複雜環境議題系統思考與建模 | Systems Thinking & Modeling for Complex Environmental Challenges | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 系統動力學與管理 | System Dynamics | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 參與式設計研究 | Participatory Design Research | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 永續發展實習 | Field Studies for Sustainable Development | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 1 |
graduate | 環境規劃與管理原理 | Principles of Environmental Planning and Management | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |
graduate | 複雜系統災害與社會代謝風險 | Disaster in Complex Systems and Socio-Metabolic Risk | English | 全校跨域永續國際碩士學位學程 | International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies | elective | 3 |