The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer
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Catogory | Course Name (Chinese) | Course Name (English) | Course Language | Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) | Designated Dept/Inst (English) | Required/ Elective | Credits |
graduate | 整合設計(一) | INTERGATION DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 整合設計(二) | INTEGRATION DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 人本設計(一) | INTERFACE DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 人本設計(二) | INTERFACE DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 同步設計(一) | CONCURRENT DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 同步設計(二) | CONCURRENT DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 傳達設計(一) | COMMUNICATION DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 傳達設計(二) | COMMUNICATION DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | obligatory | 3 | |
graduate | 整合設計研究(一) | RESEARCH ON INTEGRATION DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 整合設計研究(二) | RESEARCH ON INTEGRATION DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 人本設計研究(一) | RESEARCH ON INTERFACE DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 人本設計研究(二) | RESEARCH ON INTERFACE DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 同步設計研究(一) | RESEARCH ON CONCURRENT DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 同步設計研究(二) | RESEARCH ON CONCURRENT DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 感性設計研究(一) | RESEARCH ON KANSEI DESIGN(1) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 感性設計研究(二) | RESEARCH ON KANSEI DESIGN(2) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 2 | |
graduate | 永續設計 | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 跨文化整合設計研究 | CROSS-CULTURAL INTERGATED DESIGN RESEARCH | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 社群網站研究 | SOCIAL WEB RESEARCH | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 體驗設計 | EXPERIENCE DESIGN | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 學術寫作 | ACADEMIC WRITING | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 系統設計 | SYSTEM DESIGN | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 人本資訊系統與互動經驗設計 | HUMAN-CENTERED INFORMATION SYSTEMS & INTERACTION EXPERIENCE DESIGN (HCIS&IXD) | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 魅力工學 | PREFERENCE-BASED DESIGN | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 參與式設計研究 | PARTICIPATORY DESIGN RESEARCH | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 | |
graduate | 設計認知研究 | RESEARCH ON DESIGN COGNITION | 英 | Dep. of Industrial Design | elective | 3 |