The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer
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Catogory | Course Name (Chinese) | Course Name (English) | Course Language | Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) | Designated Dept/Inst (English) | Required/ Elective | Credits |
graduate | 專題討論(1)(2)(3)(4) | Seminar(1)(2)(3)(4) | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | obligatory | 1 |
graduate | 植物生物科技 | Plant Biotechnology | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 3 |
graduate | 生態系統特論 | Ecosystem Ecology Special Topics | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 2 |
graduate | 高等分子生物學 | Advanced Molecular Biology | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 3 |
graduate | 智慧農業:R軟體在作物性狀改良之應用 | Intelligent Agriculture: R Program In Trait Mapping And Crop Improvement | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 1 |
graduate | 高等細胞生物學 | Advanced Cell Biology | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 3 |
graduate | 基因體學 | Genomics | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 3 |
graduate | 婚配制度與交配策略特論 | Special topics in Mating Systems and Mating Strategy | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 2 |
graduate | 理論生態學 | Theoretical Ecology | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 3 |
graduate | 膠細胞獨立研究 | Independent Research in Glia | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 1 |
graduate | 物種分化 | Specitation | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 2 |
graduate | 繁殖策略 | MATING STRATEGY | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 2 |
graduate | 細胞與分子免疫學 | Cellular and Molecular Immunology | 英文 | 生命科學系 | Life Sciences | elective | 2 |