The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer
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Catogory | Course Name (Chinese) | Course Name (English) | Course Language | Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) | Designated Dept/Inst (English) | Required/ Elective | Credits |
undergraduate | 傳染病和病媒防治 | Infectious disease and vector control | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | obligatory | 3 |
undergraduate | 生物統計學(一) (含實習) | Biostatistics (I) (including lab.) | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | obligatory | 3 |
undergraduate | 生物統計學(二) (含實習) | Biostatistics (II) (including lab.) | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | obligatory | 3 |
undergraduate | 流行病學(含實習) (一) | Epidemiology (I) (including lab.) | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | obligatory | 3 |
undergraduate | 流行病學(含實習) (二) | Epidemiology (II) (including lab.) | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | obligatory | 3 |
undergraduate | 運動醫學與科學 | Sports medicine and Science | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 統計軟體應用 | Application of statistical software | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 衛生統計 | Health Statistics | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 智慧科技與慢性病防治 | Intelligent technology and prevention of non-communicable diseases | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 臨床試驗研究設計 | Design of clinical trials | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 傳染病調查 | Outbreak Investigation | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 健康測量工具 | Health measurement instrument | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 應用流行病學 | Applied epidemiology | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |
undergraduate | 公共衛生監測 | Public helath surveillance | 英文 | 公衛系 | Dept. of Public Health | elective | 2 |