Bioscience and Biotechnology Dept. of Life Sciences 113 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
undergraduate 生態模型導論 Introduction to Ecological modeling 英文 生命科學系 Life Sciences elective 3
undergraduate 遺傳學 Genetics 英文 生命科學系 Life Sciences obligatory 3
undergraduate 植物細胞與組織培養 Plant Cell and Tissue Culture 英文 生命科學系 Life Sciences elective 2

Contact Info

1. Applicants should have basic Chinese skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and submit certificates equivalent to TOCFL A2 proficiency level or above. If applicants from Chinese-speaking societies or countries (e.g. Malaysia, Singapore), or have studied and obtained a diploma with full Chinese-taught programs can provide the official school/university statements and waive the Chinese proficiency requirement. 2.Online interviews will be arranged if needed. The online interview details will be notified by the department.