Bioscience and Biotechnology Dept. of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences 113 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
graduate 書報討論(二) SEMINAR(2) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1
graduate 生物技術學 BIOTECHNOLOGY 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 3
graduate 高等分子生物學 ADVANCED MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3
graduate 生物科技研究特論 SPECIAL TOPICS IN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3
graduate 系統性文獻回顧研究之文獻搜尋—醫學 COMPREHENSIVE LITERATURE SEARCH FOR SYSTEMATIC REVIEW- MEDICAL 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 0.5
graduate 系統性文獻回顧研究之文獻搜尋—非醫學 COMPREHENSIVE LITERATURE SEARCH FOR SYSTEMATIC REVIEW- NON-MEDICAL 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 0.5
graduate 書報討論(四) SEMINAR(4) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1
graduate 高等細胞生物學 ADVANCED CELL BIOLOGY 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3
graduate 高等斑馬魚生物技術特論 ADVANCE IN ZEBRAFISH BIOTECHNOLOGY 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3
graduate 進階生物科技實驗設計與教學 ADVANCED EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND INSTRUCTION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 生物資訊學與資料分析 BIOINFORMATICS AND DATA ANALYSIS 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 水生動物疾病檢測實作 AQUATIC ANIMAL DISEASE DIAGNOSTIC PRACTICE 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 水生動物疾病精準防治、研發策略與應用 PRECISION CONTROL OF AQUATIC ANIMAL DISEASES 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 水產機能性飼料 FUNCTIONAL FEED FOR AQUACULTURE 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 水產飼料製程及品管實作 AQUATIC FEED MANUFACTURING PROCESS AND QUALITY CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 數位科技在多元健康的管理與應用 APPLICATIONS AND MANAGEMENTS FOR HEALTHIER LIFE BY DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 腸道菌相之醫療應用 GUT MICROBIOTA IN MEDICAL APPLICATION 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 綠色健康產業數位科技 INNOVATION DATA TECHNOLOGY IN GREEN HEALTHY INDUSTRY 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 跨領域整合研究在精準醫療的應用 THE APPLICATION OF MULTI-DISCIPLINE RESEARCH IN PRECISION MEDICINE ERA 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 精準醫療分子檢驗技術實作 WORKSHOPS IN MOLECULAR DETECTIONS FOR BIOMARKERS IN PRECISION MEDICINE 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 醫療大數據:生醫資料庫與人工智慧應用 BIG DATA AND HEALTH ANALYTICS: APPLICATION OF AI IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND PRECISION MEDICINE 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 研究倫理與論文寫作 RESEARCH ETHICS AND THESIS WRITING 英文 生科產業系研究所 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 生物科技課程教學實習 TEACHING PRACTICUM OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 英文提案計畫製作與報告 ENGLISH PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 蛋白質體與分子診斷特論 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PROTEOMICS AND MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 環境多源基因體學應用 APPLICATIONS OF METAGENOMICS 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 多元健康產業實習 PRACTICE ON DIVERSIFIED HEALTH INDUSTRY 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3
graduate 創意物聯網應用設計 THE DESIGN OF CREATIVE IOT APPLICATIONS 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate STEM跨領域實作 STEM MULTI/INTERDISCIPLINARY IMPLEMENTATION 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 生物醫學研究方法 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 2
graduate 發育生物學及幹細胞前瞻論壇 FRONTIER FORUM ON DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY AND STEM CELLS 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 1
graduate 蛋白質體學 PROTEOMICS 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3
graduate 數位醫療及醫用人工智慧 INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL HEALTH AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICAL APPLICATIONS 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 3
graduate 智慧永續農業與海洋暨水產論壇 SMART SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND OCEAN FORUM 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences elective 0.5
graduate 書報討論(一) SEMINAR (1) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1
graduate 書報討論(三) SEMINAR (3) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1
graduate 專題討論(一) SPECIAL TOPICS (1) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1
graduate 專題討論(二) SPECIAL TOPICS (2) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1
graduate 專題討論(三) SPECIAL TOPICS (3) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1
graduate 專題討論(四) SPECIAL TOPICS (4) 英文 生物科技與產業科學系 Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences obligatory 1

Contact Info

1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries are required to provide an English proficiency certificate (such as TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS or GEPT). A. Minimum TOEFL score of internet-based at least 72 B. Minimum TOEIC score 785 C. IELTS 5.5, and every section rank no less than 5.0 D. GEPT (General English Proficiency Test) High-Intermediate Level 2. The English proficiency certificate is not required for applicants whose previous degree is from an English-speaking country (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States of America), but the applicants have to provide their diplomas as proof. 3. Required courses and some elective courses in Master program are taught in EMI (English as Medium of Instruction); All of courses in Ph.D. program are taught in EMI (English as Medium of Instruction). For details, please refer to NCKU Course Information & Enrollment System. 4.For master program applicants, online interviews will be arranged if needed. Upon passing the document review, Ph.D. program applicants are required to take online interviews. The online interview details will be notified by the department.