Science Dept. of Photonics 113 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
graduate 材料科學 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING English 光電系 Dept. of Photonics elective 3
graduate 超穎奈米材料 METAMATERIALS English 光電系 Dept. of Photonics elective 3
graduate 半導體雷射 PRINCIPLES OF SEMICONDUCTOR LASER English 光電系 Dept. of Photonics elective 3
graduate 奈米製程技術 SEMICONDUCTORS NANO-PROCESSES TECHNOLOGY English 光電系 Dept. of Photonics elective 3
graduate 光伏元件與材料專題(一) PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES AND MATERIALS(1) English 光電系 Dept. of Photonics elective 2
graduate 有機半導體元件專題 Organic semiconductor devices English 光電系 Dept. of Photonics elective 2
graduate 有機發光二極體專題 ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES English 光電系 Dept. of Photonics elective 2

Contact Info

1.The acceptance letter for supervisor from faculty member is required. Please download the form from the dept. website. 2.Most lectures are offered in Chinese. Applicants should have listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability in Chinese. Chinese ability test (TOCFL)A2 or above 3.Applicants from non-English countries are required to provide English proficiency certificate. 4. Applicants need to attach their undergraduate and Master’s degree transcripts if they would like to apply for Ph.D. degree.