Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing 113 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
graduate 環境奈米技術 ENVIRONMENTAL NANO TECHNOLOGY English 環工所 Environmental Engineering elective 3
graduate 孔洞材料之吸附原理與結構分析 ADSORBTION PRINCIPLES AND STRUCTURE CHARACTER OF POROUS MATERIAL English 化工所 Chemical Engineering elective 3
graduate 生醫磨潤 BIOMEDICAL TRIBOLOGY English 醫工所 Biomedical Engineering elective 3
graduate 工業4.1:零缺陷的智慧製造 INDUSTRY 4.1:INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING WITH ZERO DEFECTS English 製造所 Manufacturing Information and Systems elective 3
graduate 金屬積層製造概論 INTRODUCTION TO METALLIC ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING English 機械所 Mechanical Engineering elective 3
graduate 環工生物原理 BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING English 環工所 Environmental Engineering elective 3
graduate 固態離子元件 SOLID STATE IONIC DEVICES English 材料所 Materials Science and Engineering elective 3
graduate 高等固態物理(一) ADVANCED SOLID STATE PHYSICS (1) English 材料所 Materials Science and Engineering elective 3
graduate 高等反應工程學 ADVANCED CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING English 化工所 Chemical Engineering elective 3
graduate 環工數學原理 MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING English 環工所 Environmental Engineering elective 3
graduate 奈米材料 NANO-MATERIALS English 材料所 Materials Science and Engineering elective 3
graduate 環工物理原理 INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PHYSICS English 環工所 Environmental Engineering elective 3
graduate 磨潤學特論 SPECIAL TOPICS OF TRIBOLOGY English 醫工所 Biomedical Engineering elective 3
graduate 固態熱力學 SOLID STATE THERMODYNAMICS English 材料所 Materials Science and Engineering elective 3
graduate 永續能源材料與元件 MATERIALS AND DEVICES FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY English 化工所 Chemical Engineering elective 3
graduate 三維度微奈元件整合與製造 INTEGRATED 3D NANO AND MICRO FABRICATION English 永續學程 Program on Semiconductor Packaging and Testing elective 3
graduate E化製造 E-MANUFACTURING English 封測學成 Program on Semiconductor Packaging and Testing elective 3
graduate 永續綠色材料導論 INTRODUCTION OF SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS English 材料所 Materials Science and Engineering elective 3
graduate 燃燒學 THEORY OF COMBUSTION English 機械所 Mechanical Engineering elective 3
graduate 化學工程(一) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING(1) English 化工所 Chemical Engineering elective 3
graduate 陶瓷製程 CERAMIC FABRICATION PROCESSES English 資源所 Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 智慧型製造系統 INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS English 製造所 Manufacturing Information and Systems elective 3
graduate 多尺度材料模擬簡介 INTRODUCTION TO MULTISCALE MATERIALS MODELING English 永續學程 Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing elective 1
graduate 數位攣生與IC封裝 DIGITAL TWIN AND IC PACKAGING English 永續學程 Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing elective 0.5
graduate 半導體科技與供應鏈導論 THE ESSENTIALS OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SUPPLY CHAINS English 製程學程 Program on Semiconductor Process Technology elective 2
graduate 應用微奈米元件科學 APPLIED NANO / MICRO DEVICE SCIENCE English 永續學程 Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing elective 3
graduate 核能與綠色能源科技導論 INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEAR AND GREEN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY English 永續學程 Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing elective 3
graduate 基礎高爐煉鐵 IRONMAKING, BASIC English 永續學程 Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing elective 1
graduate 進階高爐煉鐵 IRONMAKING, ADVANCED English 永續學程 Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing elective 1
graduate 氫能煉鐵概論 HYDROGEN-BASED REDUCTION OF IRON ORES English 永續學程 Program on Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing elective 1

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1. Applicants have to provide at least one of the following English proficiency test scores which were taken within the preceding two years. A. Minimum OOPT score 61 or above B. Minimum TOEFL/TOEFL score iBT 72 or above, or TOEFL ITP score 543 or above C. Minimum New TOEIC score 785 or above or TOEIC SW310 or above D. GEPT (General English Proficiency Test) HighIntermediate Level E. IELTS 5.5, and every section rank no less than 5.0 F. Cambridge Main Suite First(FCE) G. BULATS 60 or above 2. Applicants from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and United States of America, etc., where English is the official language or have studied and earned degree in these countries can provide the official university statements and waive the English proficiency test scores. 3.It is suggested that applicants obtain recommendation letters from faculty members of this program, as this could potentially increase their chances of being accepted. 4.For Ph.D. program applicants, online interviews are required to be admitted. The online interview details will be notified by the department.