Engineering Dept. of Resources Engineering 112 Spring

The information regarding to the Graduation/Credit Requirements is only for reference.Please update your information and refer the inquiry the department's officer

Graduation Requirements

{{ brochureGraduationRules.graduation_rule_en }}

No data

Credit Requirements

  • Years of study: {{ graduation_credit_rules.year }}
  • Graduation credits: {{ }}
  • Required score: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course }}
  • Elective scores: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course }}
  • Compulsory and includes English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.required_course_total }} credit
  • Elective and including English teaching total / approximate: {{ graduation_credit_rules.elective_course_total }} credit

No data

Catogory Course Name (Chinese) Course Name (English) Course Language Designated Dept/Inst (Chinese) Designated Dept/Inst (English) Required/ Elective Credits
graduate 高等英文論文寫作 ADVANCED ENGLISH TECHNICAL WRITING 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 專題討論 SEMINAR 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering obligatory 0
graduate 儲集層動力學 RESERVOIR GEOMECHANICS 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 遙感探測 APPLIED REMOTE SENSING 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 邊坡水文與穩定 HILLSLOPE HYDROLOGY AND STABILITY 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 結晶化學 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 資源再生技術特論 SPECIAL TOPICS OF RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 決策分析方法 DECISION-MAKING METHOD 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 環境地球化學 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3
graduate 地質統計學 GEO-STATISTICS 英語 資源系 Department of Resources Engineering elective 3

Contact Info

Graduate program: 1. The English proficiency certificate is not required for applicants whose previous degree is from an English-speaking country (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa or the United States of America), butthe applicants have to provide their diplomas as proof. 2. Applicants form non-English speaking countries are required to provide English proficiency certificate (such as TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS.)